We Happy Few: An Amazing Story Weighed Down By A Bad Game YouTube Summary - OpenTools (2025)

A Deep Dive into 'We Happy Few'

Estimated read time: 1:20

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    In this engaging analysis, Abbsynthe takes us through the twists and turns of 'We Happy Few', highlighting its captivating narrative but criticizing the gameplay mechanics. The game, set in a dystopian world, involves the struggle against societal norms, represented through the use of a drug called Joy. While the story offers rich character development and profound themes, the gameplay is noted to be lacking. Comparisons to other games illustrate the disconnection between the compelling narrative and uninspired game mechanics, making it a work that's fascinating in concept but flawed in execution.


      • Abbsynthe outlines the engrossing narrative of 'We Happy Few' while criticizing its gameplay mechanics for being repetitive 🕹
      • The narrative explores themes of conformity and societal facade, driven by the mandatory drug 'Joy' 🎭
      • The world of Wellington Wells is richly detailed, providing a vibrant setting despite the grim realities it hides 🌍
      • The DLCs provide a linear and more engaging experience compared to the base game, focusing on gameplay enhancement 🔄
      • The characters' stories, especially Arthur and Sally's, portray complex human emotions and decisions ❤️

      Key Takeaways

      • 'We Happy Few' features an intriguing dystopian world driven by the concept of societal conformity through the drug 'Joy' 🌎
      • Despite its strong narrative and world-building, the gameplay is often described as a monotonous running simulator 🏃
      • The game’s DLCs, however, offer more engaging and varied experiences, showcasing the potential lost in the main game 🌟
      • Each character in 'We Happy Few' reveals complex human flaws, bringing depth to the story 🎭
      • The soundtrack, especially from the band 'The Make Believes', adds a unique aural element to the game 🎶


      'We Happy Few' delivers an intriguing premise with its unique portrayal of a dystopian society bound by the drug 'Joy'. This narrative-driven game stands out with its rich storytelling and character development, offering a deep dive into the complexities of human emotions and societal expectations. Abbsynthe perfectly captures the essence of these characters, whose personal journeys uncover the beautiful yet haunting world of Wellington Wells.

        Despite the narrative strengths, 'We Happy Few' struggles with its gameplay mechanics. Often described as a running simulator, the lack of engaging player interaction detracts from the overall experience. Abbsynthe critiques these elements, providing a detailed look at how the game's open world and procedural generation lead to repetitive gameplay, which falls short of the promised depth and replayability.

          However, the game's DLCs, which are more linear in nature, showcase the potential the base game could have achieved. These add-ons offer a refreshing contrast with their more varied and engaging gameplay. Abbsynthe notes that this highlights a missed opportunity in the main storyline, where a stronger focus on gameplay could have elevated the experience alongside its compelling narrative.

            We Happy Few: An Amazing Story Weighed Down By A Bad Game Transcription

            • 00:00 - 00:30 what top five you smoking on Kendrick cuz my top five is drank drank drank drank Hey Howard here 1984 is a novel written by George Orwell despite its age I recently picked it up and it was an incredibly enthralling and engaging experience while I was reading it I thought to myself what kind of video game would 1984 be an interactive world where you rebel against the restricted government I it could be super
            • 00:30 - 01:00 interesting I know that's like the most jenzy thought ever reading is too boring I want to play video games instead they make me happy they trash F the game it sucks playing the [__] anyway I found my answer laying in the hands of compulsion games so far compulsion games has released two games with a third one rumored to be in the works hey editing Howard here this just goes to show how long ago I started writing this the game got announced it's called south of midnight and it looks super cool okay by
            • 01:00 - 01:30 the first game released in November of 2013 is titled contrast the second released in July of 2016 is the focus of this video we happy few before I get into that game though I do want to talk about contrast spoilers of course contrast is an extremely good concept you play as Dawn the imaginary friend of deei deei is the daughter of cat and up and cominging Cabaret singer and Johnny a man who has dealings with bad people jeopardizing the safety of him and his family this of course led to of the two splitting up so it's dei's
            • 01:30 - 02:00 goal to reunite the two by helping Johnny make good on his debt you may be wondering why I only showed the Silhouettes of cat and Johnny and this is because contrast is set in a world where everyone is Shadows this plays into the main gimmick of the game that being platforming that switches between 2D and 3D by switching between the shadow world and the real world it was also good for development since the devs didn't have to create detailed models for every background character or even larger characters like cat and Johnny especially since the compulsion games team consisted of only seven people at the time and as an example of how the team was a ble to get away with not
            • 02:00 - 02:30 having to render background characters towards the beginning of the game in a nightclub or whatever there's this crowd it's presumed to be a full house but because everybody is Shadows there doesn't need to be anybody visibly sitting in any chairs sure you could say this is lazy but it perfectly fits in because I mean you can't see shadows in a dark room the gameplay is hard to wrap your head around in the beginning because while with most Platformers you only have to focus on jumping at the correct time and landing in the correct spot contrast as a third element switching between the 2D and 3D worlds it's definitely one of the most unique puzzle Platformers I've played but it's
            • 02:30 - 03:00 by no means the best remember when I said contrast is an extremely good concept I said that because the game itself is incredibly mediocre at best the story is very good I like it a lot but the game playay I mean it's it's just okay the controls felt clunky moving around felt like a chore at times and some of the Shadow platforming was super glitchy I also found myself not knowing where I needed to go to advance the story sometimes it would say go to this place in the top right but I wouldn't know how to get there cuz it was a place I'd never been before the the game doesn't have any Waypoint
            • 03:00 - 03:30 markers or anything but the map was small enough that it didn't take more than 2 or 3 minutes to find where to go the game also ended super abruptly cat and Johnny make up and another character named Vincenzo mies it with Dee over a previous conflict in the story and then it just ends I definitely feel like it could have been fleshed out more but it is what it is I did not enjoy playing contrast I was just waiting for it to be over during the last 5 minutes but that is not to say that I didn't enjoy contrast as a whole the story was super solid it was overflowing with good ideas and ambition but it failed to reach the
            • 03:30 - 04:00 mark in terms of gameplay and polish I took the time to talk about all that because it really sets the bar for their next game we happy few using their experience gained from working on contrast they would strive to fix some of the major issues which held it back yet despite their efforts we happy few would suffer many of the same drawbacks that contrast did we happy Fe was a step in another direction for compulsion games while contrast had a focus on puzzles we happy few would ditch that idea all together gon provos said in the we happy few documentary that cost of joy that I uh
            • 04:00 - 04:30 really didn't want to make puzzles anymore I mean it's an interesting genre but it was a genre that was very uh taxing for on a on a design standpoint and a creative standpoint the game was originally planned to have little to no story but have a large amount of replayability it was going to be a procedurally generated rogu likee experience almost completely different to what it ended up becoming this original concept was thought up while the team still consisted of about five or six people so it made sense that they didn't want to have a super expansive world with a ton of story it just would have been too much to to handle when
            • 04:30 - 05:00 they realized that the game most likely wouldn't be well received if that was how it launched they started to put more emphasis on creating a memorable world with memorable characters the game was first exposed to the public at Pax 2015 the game was showed in an incredibly unfinished state it was just a randomly generated world without a story it was a prototype yet this was still enough to get people hyped and it was this hype that pushed compulsion gains to start a Kickstarter campaign it didn't really do that well you know it was pretty typical qu of a million in 25 days it's trivial really seriously though it was said in the
            • 05:00 - 05:30 documentary that uh also great people love this stuff so having a Kickstarter campaign um was phenomenal in that way and certainly the fact that it funded development for as long as it did thank God otherwise there would be no we happy few or we would have stopped when it was just a survival horror simulation the hype got so large to the point that Microsoft started getting involved inviting them on the E3 2016 stage this boosted the amount of people who knew about we Happy's existence from a couple thousand to Millions and from there it
            • 05:30 - 06:00 continued snowballing I won't detail every step of the way you can just watch the documentary linked below but after E3 more people knew about the game in the team that meant more money flowing in through the kickstarter and more people who wanted to work on the game now with all of this excitement money and the general idea of what they wanted the game to be they got it done slapped the $50 price tag on it and watched the reviews roll in they were incredibly mixed the game starts out with a man at his job accepting or censoring newspapers one paper which which is written about himself and his brother
            • 06:00 - 06:30 catches his eye causing all of the world's vibrancy to disappear he dumps out some pills and Ponders I should just take my joy should I he tosses the pills aside and time starts slipping away until his boss comes in where she interrogates him what have you been up to no one's seen you for hours oh nose to the grindstone you know then why haven't I heard a single whoosh through the door since 10:00 did you forget we're having de's birthday party we've got a p
            • 06:30 - 07:00 right brilliant of course have you forgotten your joy no the newspaper distressed the man which is why the world lost his vibrancy it also caused screams to fill the room Percy py help we're not sure why yet but it'll be revealed in time he has to go to a birthday party held in the other room where a pinata sits on the table and the man's peer zamanda Whack It come on hit it hit
            • 07:00 - 07:30 it hit it don't have all [Music] [Applause] day the man is disgusted but nobody else seems to mind his boss notices his reaction and says you are off your joy take one of mine oh my Lord he's a Down call
            • 07:30 - 08:00 security we've got a downer the man gets chased out of the building by policemen hey y a pizza here oh until he reaches a dead end he got a downer here put that down I'll F you this intro is phenomenal it sets the tone for the game perfectly and brings up some things that'll be answer later
            • 08:00 - 08:30 why did the paper trigger the man so badly why are there screams who is this guy I could take him no no leave me alone I took my joy I took my joy leave me [Music] alone who is this guy these are all questions that the devs tailored the intro to provoke you to ask it draws you in without you even having to do anything yet the main question they want you to start thinking about though
            • 08:30 - 09:00 is what is joy we know by the boss's intense reaction to the man not taking the joy that it's an integral asset to the lives of the people of this world but that's about it the intro gives you the decision to either take the pill or to remember remembering is how you continue the game but taking the pill all of the color is brought back to the world after the man remarks right happiness is a choice this gives more clarity as to what Joy is it's a drug that makes the user happy okay okay okay wait put a pin in
            • 09:00 - 09:30 that for now what is we happy few exactly we happy few is an open world procedurally generated immersive Sim what all right let me break that down instead of a linear experience where A Game's only path is moving in a line from A to B like this an open world is more like this so you can go here or here or here it places more emphasis on exploration procedurally generated just means that the world changes every time you start a new game game so your first
            • 09:30 - 10:00 playthroughs map could look like this while the second looks like this simple and immersive Sim just means that your decisions directly affect the way you interact with the world and the way the world interacts with you but I hope that someday maybe a big gust of wind will come and push me off so I can end it all what the world feels like it can exist without your presence smash all that together Frankenstein sty and you get we
            • 10:00 - 10:30 happy few so all right now that that's out of the way let's get into the first part of we happy few the general story super big spoilers for this entire game by the way [Music] so we happy few is set in a postor war II World in which the Germans were victorious this timeline is nothing new the entire Wolfenstein series is like that but there's a stark contrast between the world of Wolfenstein and we happy few no no M fura I'm I'm from
            • 10:30 - 11:00 Arizona in Wolfenstein it's clear as day that the Germans Ru the world you can't go one second without seeing other assorted the imagery and we happy few however if you took a random Step at of gameplay and showed it to someone who knew nothing about the game one of their last thoughts would be yeah the on the world and that's due to how the people in the worlds of Wolfenstein and we happy few reacted to the German takeover and obviously mainly because they're completely different genres Wolfenstein takes place in a much different world to our own where the Germans were extremely power people equipped with ancient
            • 11:00 - 11:30 mystical Jewish technology which allowed them to stomp out any opposition this obviously LED all other Global superpowers to see themselves to Germany and they got to rule the world hence all the flags and other symbols spread throughout each and every scene in this game we happy few is more grounded in reality the Germans are pretty much the same as they were in the real world the only difference being that the Allied Powers find themselves on the losing side of the war are they going to hurt us no one's going to hurt you Percy I I promise but
            • 11:30 - 12:00 have they heard the city I don't think they'll blow anything else up why because we surrendered I hope the British island of Wellington Wells we happy few settings has no Flags or anything like Wolfenstein because they sent all of their children away on a train to Germany to avoid occupation in 1946 this made all of the inhabitants of the island incredibly miserable so the company Hayworth Labs attempted to make a solution ultimately coming up up with a drug called joy in the 1950s Joy
            • 12:00 - 12:30 fills the user with Euphoria letting them see the world as a shinier happier version of itself this is seene in the intro where the pinata was actually just a rat one of the many side effects of joy is memory suppression obviously taking a drug that makes you happy is great but if you still remember what you did to the children it didn't negate the Happy Feelings Joy is also a contraceptive you're here for Rue I imagine Rue why the hell would I need rud she's not that's an abortive Fati oh I'm not
            • 12:30 - 13:00 pregnant I can't be Joy's a contraceptive the regular kind is after they gave away the children but before Joy's invention some children were born but they made everyone so unhappy that they just ended up sending them away [Music] anyway holy [__] now it's actually hanging the people of Wellington Wells were hesitant to take their joy in the beginning I mean wouldn't you be this drug that's supposed to make you forget the bad it sounds good on paper but if you saw this in a pharmacy you'd
            • 13:00 - 13:30 probably be a bit wary especially if it just came out it was the idea of one of the higher ups Victoria Bing the boss from the intro to put joy in the water supply oh there was another Riot this morning a couple wouldn't stopped talking about how they missed their Little Darlings and why haven't the Russians sent them back they should take their Joy nobody likes a down you can't just wrap a pill in bacon and expect they'll swallow it they're not dogs put it in their tea then then what do you mean dose the
            • 13:30 - 14:00 sugar cubes dose the water supply everyone drinks tea you don't even have to tell them at first that led to everyone in Wellington Wells picking up Joy even if they had no desire to so that they start taking the pills however some people still refuse to take their Joy this led to a massive disconnect between the people of Wellington Wells the people who refus their Joy were labeled downers being around a downer for your on Joy leads you to feeling sad completely defeating the point of Joy so all the joy taking people of Wellington
            • 14:00 - 14:30 Wells unanimously decided to forcibly move all of the downers to a rundown part of the island the Garden District this Exile is horrible because it practically rips you away from all of your friends your family basically everything you've ever known all because of some little pill what's worse is that it may not even be your fault if you get exiled bad batches of Joy have been going out to the public leaving some people to get kicked off their joy to no fault of their own yeah it's like the latest groovy nightclub isn't it people get a bad betch of joy and it's like flips a switch and they can't take joy
            • 14:30 - 15:00 anymore so they get chased out at the Village been a lot of bad batches lately continuing with joy I said that it caused memory suppression I chose my words carefully because it doesn't make you forget forever you haven't taken your own Joy have you Joy doesn't help you never really forget do you it just makes things fuzzy around the edges you know so you can pretend Joy puts the user in a brain fog it helps you pretend that everything is sunshine and rainbows
            • 15:00 - 15:30 but the terrible past can never leave you after a while that brain fog started causing serious problems for the stability of the island lton balls is at a severe food shortage trade from the British Mainland is closed down probably because of the fact that they don't have joy over there hey look at me I'm British wow epic fail they can't even Farm because they don't even know that they're starving the brain fog caused by Joy clouds which should be obvious it's also causing maintenance workers to not do their job in the maintenance tunnels you can find
            • 15:30 - 16:00 a board of Municipal Utilities where it shows that most of witon Wells is in the danger zone this causes toxic fog to spill out into the streets at night the island is on its knees but nobody can do anything about it because of Joy the head of Hayworth Labs Anton verlock knows that their serious danger of foot he's one of the very few people off of their Joy legally the citizens of the island cling to their Joy like their lives depend on it but they aren't stupid they know if they want more joy the people in charge have to be able to have a clear enough head to keep production flowing verlock knows about the food shortage in the fog so he comes
            • 16:00 - 16:30 up with something he labels as a permanent solution if this sounds familiar to you it's probably because the name hearkens back to the Germany's Final Solution which referred to the back in World War II in essence verloc's permanent solution is the same thing albeit on a much much smaller and less severe scale the permanent solution proposed by verlock would render joy as Wellington Wells knew it completely obsolete upon using it the patient would be rendered happy forever no longer capable of feeling any other emotion in a parallel with Germany's Final
            • 16:30 - 17:00 Solution verloc's permanent solution aims to annihilate all sadness in the world it would have the same effect as Joy but it would remove the brain fog his cause is Noble but much like how Germany saw nothing wrong with murdering millions of people verlock sees nothing wrong with removing what makes people human their emotion you're planning to lobotomize the people of Wellington Wales aren't you lobotomize is a rather inflammatory metaphor but yes I have been asked to synthesize something stronger and more permanent than Joy who are you if you force people to
            • 17:00 - 17:30 have the emotions you want then you've turned them into robots made out of meat and what do you think you are now you are just the sum of the neuropeptides swirling in your bloodstream you see the current Downer outbreak is just a mass chemical imbalance but I believe I can adjust the internal hormonal settings so the people stay happy no matter what you can't do that they told the right Brothers they couldn't fly but they didn't sure right now
            • 17:30 - 18:00 everybody's already doing that willingly but they can stop whenever they like if verloc's permanent solution was to come out they'd be incapable of stopping their happiness and facing reality verlock permanent solution hasn't come out by the time the game takes place but it's in active development throughout and on top of all that Doom and Gloom there's a plague ravaging the island watch out for anyone chattering away in something that don't sound like English they're like Mad Dogs and they'll give you plague [Music]
            • 18:00 - 18:30 we happy fuse world is great Wellington walls is split apart into three sections the Garden District Hamlin Village and the parade District they're all incredibly unique and different from one another they follow a pretty obvious hierarchy with the Garden District being the lowest where all the downers live The Village being in the Middle where all the decent Joy taking citizens live and the parade being at the top where all the higher ranking people live there's a mutual hatred between the Garden District and the other two since the joy taking people chased the downers away from everything they knew and the cers threaten the new way of life for
            • 18:30 - 19:00 the joy taking people I'm going to talk about each section starting off with the Garden District it's just amazing it's definitely a sharp contrast compared to the other two districts the Garden District is miserable and that's what makes it amazing you can practically feel the weight of the past hanging over this place you can catch people rummaging through garbage looking for anything to do or just crying on a bench the memories haunt these people they could have taken them but they didn't have to did they I just want them to
            • 19:00 - 19:30 stop screaming that's all where are the Americans where are the Russians I wish I died in the bombings nearly every house has run down or reduced to Rubble every person you see here has tattered clothes which really emphasizes how hard it is to live here without you really having to see much of the place there's no police force here just a large gang called the head boys who intimidate and steal what little remains for these people it's a really cool introduction to the game as well since it's the first place you're able to to roam around in after the intro
            • 19:30 - 20:00 there's a little sub area in the Garden District called the victory Memorial camp where War veterans hang out and stay alert in case the Germans ever come back they're armed with rifles but have no ammunition so they have to use bayonets this makes it laughable that they expect to have any sort of a chance if a full military armed with heavy Weaponry were to come back however they're very dangerous in game as all of this game's combat is melee this area is teaming with life 90% of this area is grass and Shrubbery and there's a fair amount of things to collect here flowers can be collected to make healing salves while berries can be used as a source of food there are also some water pumps
            • 20:00 - 20:30 here the water in the Garden District is clean unlike in the other two areas where it's spiked with joy this makes the Garden District an excellent place to get food and water without worrying about the negative side effects one of the most interesting things about this place is things you can find in houses in certain housings you can find messages scrolled onto walls I wonder if they meant the kids on the train why they couldn't remember their faces well they couldn't stand remembering them miscellaneous items what's up those beds oh God I'm not the only one
            • 20:30 - 21:00 remembering the children am I makes sense they're all off their joy out here and other tragedies it really makes this area feel real people lived here people remembered here people crumbled under the weight of their past here the second area in the social hierarchy of Wellington Wells is Hamlin Village this area takes a depressing Vibe of the Garden District and flips it on its head one of the most eye-catching differences between the two is the the color the Garden District was very dull looking
            • 21:00 - 21:30 all the colors lacked any sort of vibrancy with Grays Browns and dark greens perfectly fitting the downtrod and feel of the area Hamlin Village is the complete opposite streets painted rainbow the booth that dispense Joy various Gardens and Parks it's beautiful and it's only heightened when you use Joy which makes everything a bit more bright and vibrant the colors are obviously put there to distract people from their jewy past the streets may be painted rainbow but the past still left its SCS in the form of rubble left over from the war the people here are also more lively as might expect due to their Joy intake you can catch them jumping in
            • 21:30 - 22:00 puddles playing hopscotch or cuddling on a bench it's little things like this that make these random NPCs feel like more than objects placed there to fill space one of the most obvious aspects of their design though is their mask it was definitely something I immediately took note of hell it's even a major part of the logo these masks from a gameplay standpoint make these characters unnerving probably for the same reason people find clown scary it obscures the face just enough for you to recognize it as human but makes it odd enough to be concerning from a lore standpoint though the mask form to your face and force you to smile why are you all wearing those
            • 22:00 - 22:30 ridiculous new masks you should get one they shape your face into a smile and when you smile you can't help being happy just another way to cling to their rickety happiness also their clothes are nicer obviously because they live a much cushier life than the downers In the Garden District The Village unlike the Garden District has an established police force the constabulary differentiated from the normal citizens by their hugeness and blue uniform constables are tougher enemies than normal citizens having more health and
            • 22:30 - 23:00 hitting harder from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. there's a curfew in the village and the parade constables roam the streets and if you're spotted you'll be chased relentlessly until either they kill you you kill them or you hide and they eventually give up their search given the toxic fog that spills out into the streets at night anyway it's best to find a bed and sleep until morning and where're else better to sleep than in a house you just broke into the houses in the village are packed full of stuff to steal you can raid their kitchen for food through cupboards wardrobes and credenzas for supplies or clear out a
            • 23:00 - 23:30 bedroom to get some shy you don't have to loot houses if you don't want to but it is a good way to get stuff that could be hard to come buy otherwise the village also has a lot of dedicated shops some examples are cuy shop where you can buy meat the Shady dealer where you can buy illegal stuff like safe crackers explosives and sugar and a stitch in time where you can buy clothes for comparison the only shop in the Garden District is via crazy man in a treehouse selling screws and bandages welcome to the Special Operations executive you're the new agent AR you I'm not upset with y'all because I know
            • 23:30 - 24:00 you're mentally ill the shops are nice to visit every once in a while as they restock sometimes and they may have something helpful for you much like the victory Memorial camp in the Garden District Hayworth LS is a sub area in the village this is where all the Island's Joy is produced and where verlock throughout the game works on his permanent solution the third and final area is the parade District this area is functionally similar to The Village but packed with many more things for starters the constables hear a stronger variance of their Village counterparts as shown by the red uniform doctors now roam the streets frequently the doctors
            • 24:00 - 24:30 are a unique enemy as they can smell the joy in your body if they see or well I guess smell that you haven't taken your joy they'll aggro on you they can also revive enemies that you've killed so it's important to focus these guys first the parade district is the smallest of the districts yet has much more substance the three main points of interest in this area are the department of scientific and Industrial Research or dsir for short the Wellington Health Institute and the broadcast tower the dsir is where they well do scientific
            • 24:30 - 25:00 and Industrial Research the Wellington Health Institute is where doctors run tests on Plague victims and the broadcast tower is where they screen Uncle Jack shows you don't know who that is yet but I'll fill you in later each of the districts are connected via Bridges with some providing you unique challenges like plassy Bridge which makes you play a long drawn out Simon Says mini game that sprays Joy gas in your face or one Bridge connecting the Garden District to Hamlin village where a doctor inspects you for plague before letting you pass the districts are also connected via old rail tunnels no trains run on them anymore obviously because trains would bring back the painful
            • 25:00 - 25:30 memories of sending the kids away the rail tunnels are accessed via hatches and they act as a fast travel system we happy fuse main premise is Conformity act how you should depending on the people and environment around you and you'll be fine clothes are one of the main aspects of this wearing good clothes in the Garden District reminds all the downers of the joy takers who chase them out of their homes and wearing torn clothes in the village will lead people to thinking you're one of those rotten downers the way you speak changes throughout the different areas too with the the protagonist Speaking sorrowfully In the Garden District all
            • 25:30 - 26:00 right well nothing lasts forever does it at least we're alive right chipper in the village nothing but blue skies should clear up soon I imagine couldn't be better thanks and even more so in the parade I mentioned that all of the game's weapons are melee based this is cuz there's no need for guns in a land where everyone is happy most of the weapons you use are normal objects like frying pans and umbrellas but actual weapons can be found hidden behind puzzles and stuff like that there's also a really cool feature that anytime you
            • 26:00 - 26:30 die instead of having a plain old you died screen a newspaper gets released saying that you went on holiday to explain your disappearance to anyone who may remember you if you jumped off the island into the water you OV exerted yourself swimming if you died from Fall damage you're on holiday to recuperate from an amateur skydiving incident and if you died from food poisoning you're out to explore new and exciting Cuisines it's nice attention to detail because it plays into the theme of troubling things being sanitized they could have easily just added a you
            • 26:30 - 27:00 died screen but they went the extra mile to add more of that immersion also the music in this game is phenomenal each district has its own track with the Garden District being a peaceful but somewhat Sad Piano track something almost like [Music] Minecraft Hamlin Village has a more upbeat track even more so like Minecraft
            • 27:00 - 27:30 [Music] craft and the parade District sounding more unnerving as this is the point in the game where you know all of the terrible stuff that's going on behind the scenes [Music] but if you know anything about this game
            • 27:30 - 28:00 the ambient tracks aren't the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the music the devs created a band specifically for this game called the make believes it was comprised of actual musicians from Canada together they made 10 to 12 tracks for the game but only seven can be heard ingame with an eth being used for the launch trailer the songs are dead of winter satisfies you then it alone that St [Music] in the day of winter you'll never change
            • 28:00 - 28:30 my mind you'll never change my [Music] mind la la Laz there is no way of KN what aak us not a crime to smile when we were young so we just a child and we start
            • 28:30 - 29:00 to When You're Gone which is the credits track when [Music] gone Joy Time sunam football team we down with you
            • 29:00 - 29:30 cheer up cheer up Che up baby baby and I want to stay the same which is the launch trailer check please I want to stay the [Music] same no never going to change oh
            • 29:30 - 30:00 yeah these songs are super cool they got a really cool VI to them you can listen to the full songs on YouTube or Spotify or whatever these songs can be heard in shops and homes as background audio but they can also play during some gameplay scenes there's one character that's omnipresent in this game and it's Uncle Jack he's a television and radio star the only one in the whole island he has many different shows such as I hear you where citizens will send them letters dear Uncle Jack is it true there are blind albino mole people living beneath
            • 30:00 - 30:30 Our Fair City that's what my friends say I thought I saw one too but I wasn't sure as we'd all have a bit too much to drink and my memory of course is a bit fuzzy Dear Richard of course there aren't Mo people this isn't London humor hour where citizens send them jokes but here's another one um how do you save a drowning Downer answer who cares a newsour where Jack give some tips about living with other decent
            • 30:30 - 31:00 citizens well look at you what are you doing is that's right I'm talking to you what on Earth do you think you're doing are you where you should be are you doing what you should be doing of course you are let's face it there's nowhere we'd rather be and nothing we'd rather be doing than living our lives here and now in Wellington Wells eh Jack's shows are genuinely enjoyable to watch they feel like real
            • 31:00 - 31:30 episodes of a real TV show I think the uncle jack shows really make the world feel real because these shows always run at the same time every day at 7:00 a.m. it plays wakey wakey noon plays newsour 400 p.m. plays either I hear you humor hour play with Jack or funny old Customs at 7:30 p.m. it plays well well well that tastes amazing or famous Britain and at 10:30 p.m. it plays nighty night every day it doesn't matter if you're there watching on the TV it will will still play it makes the world feel like it could exist even if you weren't in it
            • 31:30 - 32:00 at 7:00 a.m. wakey wakey will play whether the players in Wellington Wells or all the way off in Tim Book 2 needless to say the way we Havey few designed this areas each very unique with their own way of going about things really makes the world memorable but my favorite aspect by far is like any game the characters are what ties the game together without characters that are unique and memorable your game won't have any longevity take Team Fortress 2 for example this game is
            • 32:00 - 32:30 absolutely notorious for a variety of things like it's racist Community it's homophobic Community it's misogynistic community no I love this game but the community sucks really bad oh what you're live on Twitch anyway Team Fortress 2 is absolutely notorious for its cast of characters TF2 is comprised of nine big hot men I wrote that in the script okay whatever TF2 is comprised of nine big hot men each overflowing with personality the game itself is amazing
            • 32:30 - 33:00 the art style is fantastic and the gameplay is fun and fluid on its own it's fun but with the cast that valve put together the game went from just being a fun but ultimately forgettable game to almost a household name seriously literally every person who identifies as a gamer has at least heard of this game or watched the meet the team videos what I'm trying to get across is that a game can be good but without good characters are tied all together the experience can be very forgettable this is something we happy few knocks out of the park the world is great as I said the story is great as I
            • 33:00 - 33:30 said and the characters just bring it home the game follows three characters over three separate acts Act One follows Arthur Hastings a man who is pretty average in all regards living in the parade District before going off his joy as scen in the intro act two follow Sally Bole a chemist living in Hamlin Village who supplies the constabulary with a special type of joy and who also has a baby you love me yes what do you who act three follows Oli starky and alcoholic Scottish man that nobody likes
            • 33:30 - 34:00 thems because of course who hallucinates his dead daughter who was shot and killed by the Germans in the war okay I'm going to go over each act now I'll try to make this as brief as possible as my first few scripts for this video ended up at around 40 pages act one starts with the intro that I went over earlier Arthur wakes up after being beaten unconscious by the constables seeing that newspaper about him and his brother Percy is sh him up Percy was put on the train to Germany
            • 34:00 - 34:30 and now Arthur makes a plan to get out of Willington Wells and find him the only way out of Willington Wells is via the old rail tunnels in the train station in the Garden District the bridge I've got to get to the bridge in the parade District which I just got chased out of brilliant ah the train station if I can get to the train station I can just follow the old rail tunnel all the way to the bridge upon reaching the train station he falls through the floor and starts remembering more about the train where we learned that Arthur couldn't go
            • 34:30 - 35:00 because he was just one day too old with the rule being no kid over 13 bloody Bobby I told him I wanted to board even if I was 10 days too old but we don't make the rules anymore Mr rtings I shouldn't have told him they got my birthday wrong don't even know why I did there's a cave in on the rails meaning that there's no way to get to the bridge out of Willington Wells now with nowhere else to go Arthur goes back up into the train station where Oli has been living Ry help that's Ollie Ollie come from me have you ollie
            • 35:00 - 35:30 I'm Arthur you won't get me you won't get me you bastards no it's Arthur bloody murdering whistles you got mental I'll save you Margaret I'm your old neighbor AE all lying little is gone they took him away Ollie no they didn't lying you're a
            • 35:30 - 36:00 Wast Ollie it's arur well why didn't you see that before mentally ill Arthur brings up his plans to find Percy and olly offers to help him Escape Wellington Wells if he helps him Rob the victory Memorial Camp he sneaks into the camp where we learn that the tanks that the Germans used to intimidate everyone into giving up the kids were fake all along papier mashe we took all the kids to the train
            • 36:00 - 36:30 station we sent them off to Germany because of papier mashe Arthur cuts the power and returns to the train station the tanks were Hollow Ollie what's that it's tank arm the tanks they're made of papier mashe we could have fought them if they didn't really have tanks no we wouldn't have given them Percy and the others up I wouldn't have had to lie my way off that train oh my
            • 36:30 - 37:00 God I lied my way off that train I wasn't too old to go you don't forget a thing like that didn't you hear me I convinced the Germans they have my birthday wrong Arthur was perfectly able to go but lied to the constables to avoid going with his brother to Germany a super selfish act and that's exactly his character we happy you T to self as the tale of a Plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful and that couldn't be more true every
            • 37:00 - 37:30 character in this game is terrible to a degree some more than others but I'll get into that later Arthur essentially stranded his brother in Germany Percy is revealed to be mentally challenged in some regard via the collectible memories scattered throughout the game oh Percy that's very bad no Arthur is brilliant why is it brilliant she won't make me be in trouble cuz I'm slow Arthur is the only person who Percy could talk to and Arthur left him to go to a new world where he would be completely and utterly alone olly holds up his endend of the bargain and gives Arthur a device which
            • 37:30 - 38:00 he uses to get back into the village to get to the parade where the bridge out of Wellington Wells is he'd need a letter of Transit which he no longer has on his way to find some blank ones he comes across Sally Bole his girlfriend from his childhood you're wor your joy oh that' be ridiculous oh he have little [__] faith I'm not going to turn you in whatever possess you to go off your joy pery God I saw a picture of him she offers to get him the letter of Transit he needs saying she knows
            • 38:00 - 38:30 General bing one of the higher ranking people of the island problem is Arthur holds some pretty strong grudges berating her for cheating on him 14 years ago I'm very close with General Bing of course you are no you always did have a knack for making helpful new friends I mean I could go see him and ask him to give you a letter of Transit don't put the general out on my account I'm sure you've only so many favors you can ask of him Michael you still hate me don't you yeah well
            • 38:30 - 39:00 I've only been wondering for the past 14 years we were 16 how could you you're a [__] you're a [__] just admit it you're a [__] you [__] yourself out online you [__] yourself out in front of your family and your friends you're a [__] plain and simple by the time he realizes that Sally is probably the only person who can help him it's too late she's already gone he goes to her house to apologize and she agrees to get him the letter of Transit now wanting Arthur to get her C liver oil in return this sets him off a bit about the letter
            • 39:00 - 39:30 could you do something for me of course what I need a bottle of cod liver oil I'd really like one cod liver oil why would I thought you want cod liver oil if it's too much to ask well I was kind of hoping for absolutely I will ask my friend the general for a rotten scrap of paper Just for Old Time sake h I'm being an ass again aren't I at least
            • 39:30 - 40:00 he recognized he was being an ass this time character development it just shows more of his character completely selfish Sally could have easily said no and he would have been completely but she was nice and agreed and he couldn't reciprocate that kindness about the letter no oh the Cod lioy is in Dr verloc's office in Hayworth Labs retrieving it and getting back to Sally Arthur loses his mind again ironically describing himself more than her we're practically the only
            • 40:00 - 40:30 two people in this entire city not stoned out of our minds on Joy how are you holding up what do you care how are you going to get out why won't you just give me the [__] letter of Transit it's always what you want always what you need every little Sally whim bloody cod liver oil Arthur wanted the letter of Transit but was really hesitant to do anything for Sally in return complaining at the very thought that he should be made to do anything she's been nothing but kind since
            • 40:30 - 41:00 meeting up with him but she has absolutely no reason to be every time she's with him she gets bered I can't say Arthur's hate is unfounded though as Sally cheated on him with his own father do you really think I'm that awful well just because you [__] my dad while you were living in our house in my mom's bed yes there's a lot to unpack with that statement but just hold on I'll get to it a bit later Arthur offers to take Sally with him but she says she has to wait until on and he just completely revokes his
            • 41:00 - 41:30 offer I'm sorry look I don't hate you in the strangest way you're completely innocent you're practically the only one I know who is it's on the dresser there are you going to be okay I could take you with me really we have to go now the Joy's gone bad it's
            • 41:30 - 42:00 going crazy out there I can't go right now why oh God no it's not simple it never is we'll have to wait till Dawn no that's crazy I I can't you shouldn't have asked for that ridiculous C liver oil look there's something I haven't been entirely straight with you about it's just self-preservation Sally no hard feelings just showing more of his hypocrisy claiming Sally is incredibly selfish yet he himself being incredibly uncompromising in the
            • 42:00 - 42:30 smallest of inconvenience he does show some semblance of guilt for leaving her behind though in a note titled I'm an awful person but what should I have done should I have turned around and said yes I will yes come with me we'll go at dawn whatever you say I always used to wonder if I'd run out that door after that day what would have happened to us would we still be friends or was the magic all in my head who am I kidding 16-year-old me would never have had the courage to leave home and here I am running out the door when she wants to come with not
            • 42:30 - 43:00 entirely unlike what I did to Percy I wonder what lies I'll tell myself about her later what if she is utterly sincere what if she does honestly want me and love me and need me do I have utterly no faith left in anyone and she'd survive and I'd get killed a girl like her shipwrecks and the next day she's drinking Margarita's under Palm leaves yours truly is shark be I can't I just can't sorry sorry sorry I
            • 43:00 - 43:30 feel like he does want to trust Sally but can't because of how she cheated on him in the end all of his bitterness and spite towards her stems from that incident so he feels it's best not to get to attach to her Arthur gets into the parade and eventually onto the bridge out of Wellington Wells where he reflects are you really doing this to find Percy I mean where would you even look for him is he even alive is he in Russia how would you even get to Germany
            • 43:30 - 44:00 you're doing this because you don't have a strong enough sense of self-preservation to leave Wellington Wells on your own account on you you need the guilt Arthur's entire reasoning for leaving was to find his brother and make amends but there's really no way that this would ever happen it's been nearly 20 years since Percy was taken away with the other kids in that time he could have moved anywhere in the world but his fate was likely darker if the Germans were anything like they were in the real world he was most likely killed soon after arriving as his mental handicap would have hindered his ability to work Arthur goes through the door the
            • 44:00 - 44:30 final obstacle in the way of freedom and finds a constable is the same Constable from the day the children were taken and upon taking off his mask Arthur remembers the entire situation D thing so itchy it's Times Like These what try men's Souls sir they try men's Souls I know you please keep your hand inside the train it is very dangerous to you
            • 44:30 - 45:00 must get back on the train outside the windows of the train ARA you must get back on board no I'm just here to take my brothers to the train no please no no no get up Mr peral Hastings that's me Percy people call me Percy someone has written on this car that you were a bit dim and you can't be
            • 45:00 - 45:30 roaming about on your own you don't seem dim right well um mom thinks I can't mom thinks I can't mom thinks I can't take care of myself but I can I got it with you to tell the truth I really did want to go to Germany with my brother Arthur see we we' sort of take care of each
            • 45:30 - 46:00 other so I tried to sneak on but then Arthur said no we have to follow the rules is that so I'll just run along home mom's probably worried sick can I go this is a day we may all come to regret Mr Hastings but I am not going to put one more child on that train that my duty obligates me to
            • 46:00 - 46:30 do run along then py he not only lied to get off the train he stole his brother's passport knowing that if he gave the Constable his own card he'd be put right back on the train he even mimics his brother's mannerisms has seen throughout the game's collectible memories why do you want to speak Latin you always you always you always know you always know you always
            • 46:30 - 47:00 know you always know you always know what each always know what each word means when it comes out right well um mom thinks I can't mom thinks I can't mom thinks I can't take care of myself we between 700 billion and a trillion 300 million billion dollars the last thing Percy saw brother was him abandoning him worse yet it wasn't even Percy's idea to go with Arthur on the
            • 47:00 - 47:30 train I've got it what if you come with me and I'm too old what if I sneak you on the tree that's against that's against the rules oh if we get CAU I'll just say there was a mixup and you can play Dum are you sure well remember how I snuck you on the camping trip didn't it work out brilliantly just trust me I trust you ala I said said I trust you Arthur we'll go to Germany together we'll take care
            • 47:30 - 48:00 of each other no matter what happens Arthur probably knew from the start that he was going to abandon Percy now with the memories fresh in his mind he's left to pick up the pieces I'll best be on my [Music] way I did something terrible oh we've all done things we regret sir some of them we regretted as we done them some of them never quite go away I told him we'd go to Germany together I told him I'd hold
            • 48:00 - 48:30 our passport and then I walked off the train with his passort he didn't know how to talk to anyone but me I can't make it up to him now can I no sir I imagine you cannot then who is there to forgive me some try to forget I can't do that not anymore well I suppose you you must
            • 48:30 - 49:00 treat it as a gift to know who you are without that there's no hope for wisdom oh wish I still believed in some sort of Mercy life goes on that is the mercy come on Sir once you're out there you'll know what to do the game switches to third person where Arthur takes off his happy mask and takes one last look at
            • 49:00 - 49:30 Wellington Wells his home and essentially his prison and walks off with the conable to the mainland I love this ending the voice acting in this game is incredible and in this scene Alex Windam Arthur's actor knocks it out of the park sounding truly distraught over what he did to his brother unlike most games where the protagonist gets his good ending Arthur's ending is very gray he doesn't get a good ending because he doesn't deserve it he does get to leave Wellington Wells which is good but he can never Escape his memories now he will always be stuck with the truth that he's a rotten selfish entitled sh human
            • 49:30 - 50:00 being with no joy to hide behind act two follows Sally and starts with her doing sciency stuff in her lab someone breaks in looking for something called blackberry and find Sally's baby she broke my brain it's not possible we sent them all away they never came back rat it I'm hallucinating and it's a rat
            • 50:00 - 50:30 and it's going to bite me you can't be a baby you're a rat you have to be a the Blackberry he's looking for is a special type of Joy produced for the constables but Sally sells some legally on the side she goes to a shopkeeper called Lionel to commission an automatic baby feeder and a carry cot for if she and her baby ever needed to move around which he builds over the course of the story The conses are growing concerned
            • 50:30 - 51:00 with how slow the Blackberry is being churned out so they interrogate and threaten her nonetheless Miss spoil the lads have developed an appetite for your fine cooking as it were if they go hungry chaos will ensue we must insist that you devote your full and Urgent attention to feeding them or what or we shall be be compelled willing or no to provide your
            • 51:00 - 51:30 assistance willing or no to Dr verlock and that won't be cheery for either of us we don't know Sally's relationship with Dr verlock but with how she spoke of him in Act One Cod Li oyal Dr verlock has some at the labs on us glass keeps a whole private stash of R ingredients I'm sort of persona nonong grata there and how the constables are threatening her now it's fair to say it's not good a fire broke out in her
            • 51:30 - 52:00 lab while she was gone destroying a piece of the equipment on her way to get the replacement she remembers something troubling well young Miss boil you know there's a curfew you know want some Fritz to shoot you dead to you sorry sir let's get you home you had another fight with your mom didn't you what don't I put in a good word m uh Mrs Bole I've got a young lady out here who
            • 52:00 - 52:30 um I'm sorry they don't seem to be at home what let me go in they not at home let me take you to the station for a cup of tea what happened let me in best you don't go in Miss cup of tea is best what did she do what did she do what what did she do her mother poisoned her whole family to avoid the children from getting on the train to Germany the only reason that Sally isn't
            • 52:30 - 53:00 dead along with the rest of her family is because she was a troublemaker who went out after curfew she finds a replacement part and fixes her lab now she needs to replace her chemicals in the midst of doing that she hears someone in her house it's General Bing who visit Sally for sex and drugs he hears her baby but Sally tries to convince him that he was just hallucinating are you hallucinating rainbow has all sorts of crazy side effects it couldn't be a cat hasn't been a cat
            • 53:00 - 53:30 since the war you are going to love this one couldn't be a baby don't be silly no was had a baby in 15 years oh yeah gaslighting wins again continuing the mission she comes across Arthur where acts one and two directly overlap the dialogue is a bit changed here which like okay but the way it was done is man it's just bad dude the conversation doesn't flow at all oh he have little [__] faith I'm not going to turn you in whatever possess you to go off your
            • 53:30 - 54:00 joy Percy oh God I saw a picture of him I promised I'd look after him in Germany I have to go and find him ridiculous you little faith I never turn you in you wouldn't believe what I've got myself into I saw Percy a picture of him and I remember the train oh [__] also Arthur lives in the Garden District now uh well I've been living in the Garden District the Garden District off the
            • 54:00 - 54:30 scraps of our former civilization God what why in act one he was always on the move not really staying in one spot because he had to escape and find Percy now he still has to escape and find Percy so why the did he just set up shop in the Garden District also the conversation's pacing is really weird in act two in Act One the tension kept building and building until Arthur just blew Sally off while in Act One the tension starts building yeah well I've only been wandering for the past 14 years how could you then Arthur gets sentimental you know how we used to sit
            • 54:30 - 55:00 on the swings by the crash V1 these days I spend a lot of time there remembering then he just storms off like a Manchild I've missed you for 14 years I think I can escape Wellington Wells without your help and I definitely don't want any favors from your latest friend Arthur what all the changes here are stupid this scene it makes me so mad Sally finishes getting the replace ingredients and gives the joy to the constables reflecting on how difficult of a time this batch was to make she
            • 55:00 - 55:30 makes the decision to leave Wellington Wells going back home Gwen has measles now okay it takes measles one to two weeks to start showing according to a quick Google search but Gwen just gets it in the course of giving the consales The Joy it's cured with cod liver oil so Sally goes to Arthur in the Garden District to ask for it this change bit of dialogue also sucks in act one it was Sally who asked Arthur if he could get the cod liver oil could you do something something for me here though Arthur literally asks if there's anything he
            • 55:30 - 56:00 can do in return and gets pissed when the answer is yes did you really come here just to offer me a letter of transit or did you want something I thought we could help each other all right what do you want look if it's too much to ask I suppose it would be too much to expect don't worry Arthur I will ask my friend the general for a rotten scrap of paper just for all time sake that's the only bit really changed here but the worst part of this scene though is Arthur's clothes why is he
            • 56:00 - 56:30 wearing good clothes in the Garden District it's made very clear that good clothes in the Garden District is a one-way ticket to get in the sh kicked out of you it feels really lazy like the devs didn't want to bother making a model of Arthur and tattered clothes especially since there's a model of Arthur's torn-up suit in the game all you'd have to do is copy and paste Arthur's head onto this body and you'd be good and if it wasn't laziness it's a complete lack of attention to detail which is worse obviously this scene wasn't as bad as the other one but dude Sally goes to the general to get Arthur's letter of Transit where she
            • 56:30 - 57:00 learns that he's moved his boat down to the water Miss Bo oh won't he be happy to see you he's trying to fix the boat again the one in the warehouse you mean the one in the boat house as his mob they've moved the boat to the water he comes back to his office and gives her the letter of Transit and something more any friend of yours my dear it's been too long
            • 57:00 - 57:30 anyway oddest thing last time I was there I could swear I heard something that sounded like a cat but I haven't seen a cat since the war have you fortunately I wrote myself a note Sally's got a baby what do you suppose that me do you remember the children born after the war we got some of them out
            • 57:30 - 58:00 but they made everyone so unhappy can can you get us out I might be able to get her out if I'm very clever but no I can't spare you what do you think would happen if our beloved Bobbies ran out of blackberry Joy I have a safe house bring her there I'm not sending her away
            • 58:00 - 58:30 why not it's traditional a single girl in trouble not equipped to take care of her baby I'd have thought you'd be grateful if you couldn't tell the general not a very good guy you failed he only sees Sally as a tool with with her only use being to keep the constables happy with the Blackberry and himself happy with the you know Sally
            • 58:30 - 59:00 goes down to check out the boat where the man working on it says the motor is Rusted shut Sally finds a boat manual and commissions a scientist called Dr Faraday to make a new motor and now all she needs is the General's key before getting the key though she goes to Arthur to see if he's got the Cod Li Royal this scene plays out exactly the same with Arthur offering to take Sally with him and then revoking his offer but then Sally drops this bombshell it's going crazy out there we have to go now wait wait I I have to go back to my
            • 59:00 - 59:30 place first why and we sort of have to wait till dawn oh God no something I have to tell you no that's crazy I I can't you shouldn't have asked for that ridiculous C liver oil I've got a baby it's just self-preservation Sally no hard feelings I don't think Arthur would just brush that off nobody would s's baby is probably the only baby born
            • 59:30 - 60:00 in the last 15 years or so this is my main problem with Act 2 it does build Arthur's character up more extremely selfish yada yada yada but there is a line act one did it perfectly Arthur was angered by Sally's audacity to tell him that one of the people she's sleeping with could help him annoyed when he had to do something in return for her help and he left her when she couldn't leave with him in that very moment to us sane people it seems a little bit childish of course you should help someone who's helping you Tit for Tat and all that but people like that do exist in act two
            • 60:00 - 60:30 that line has crossed hard like way too far it's almost cartoonish how Arthur acts he leaves not because Sally said the general could help him but because he's made it this far without her in his life so he can make this Grand Escape all alone too that reasoning makes no sense at least in act one he realized that he did need help but it was just too late when he did he got mad when he had to do something for her in return for her help just like in act one but here or he asked her if he could do anything in return so his frustration makes no sense and then Arthur left
            • 60:30 - 61:00 Sally alone in Wellington Wells with a baby that's my biggest G with this act in act one he had no idea why she had to wait but now he does and with such a valid reason even someone as thick sculled as Arthur would probably understand and waited out act two had always been my least favorite of the acts and this is one of the major reasons why Arthur doesn't act like a selfish person but like a caricature of a selfish person two over the top to be considered realistic which is what I like so much about the First Act anyway where was I oh yeah uh Sally goes for
            • 61:00 - 61:30 the General's Boat Key the last hurdle standing between her and freedom [__] bucket no no he literally kidnaps her and tries to hold her hostage in his safe house he reveals a room full of food in first aid really showing how terrible the guy is if the kidnapping and attempted wasn't enough Wellington Wells is starving but he's just stockpiling food Sally escapes
            • 61:30 - 62:00 with his key and goes to get Gwen taking her down to the boat where they ride out of Willington [Music] Wells here oh they won't anymore will they make as much noise as you like maybe I'm not such a rubbish Mom after all you'll never know how alone someone
            • 62:00 - 62:30 can be you have me I love you you never guess I'm happy would you we're going to have such Adventures we'll be the two
            • 62:30 - 63:00 [Music] musketeers Sally just like Arthur takes off her happy mask once she realizes she's out however unlike Arthur who kept his in his arms Sally tosses hers into the the water Arthur did have some sort of good memories to hold on to from Wellington Wells he had his family and
            • 63:00 - 63:30 friends whereas Sally had no good memories at every turn she was belittled the general you don't know what it's like to be alone do you a girl like you never is furlock hi I'm crawling back have you please don't hate me Anon oh no I teach you everything I know you steal my notes are my notes doctor you steal my business and you have the nerve to come back here you locked me out in the rain to teach
            • 63:30 - 64:00 me a lesson even the one person she could trust Arthur did nothing but berin her not to mention her family was killed so it makes sense that she'd never want to look back at Wellington Wells if she didn't have to after that little Act of defiance against the town that had essentially spit on and tormented her for her entire life she rides off with Gwen onto greener pastures act three follows olly whose story starts after he robbed the victory Memorial Camp I mentioned this earlier but Oli hallucinates his dead daughter Margaret throughout the story Arthur comes in and tells him about the tanks being fake in
            • 64:00 - 64:30 act one they were both pretty much just monologuing and we got to see Arthur's point of view now in act three we get to see what olly was talking about the tanks are Hollow [Music] olly what's that the tanks they're made of papier masche like we made at school we could have fought them if they didn't really have tanks did did you know they were fake of course not I wouldn't have had to lie my way off that train I would have told the
            • 64:30 - 65:00 lads would have risen up but Ollie oh my God you were the general secretary I did you must have known don't forget a thing like that I like my way off that tra if we'd have known we'd have risen up we' have had to I promise Percy I keep you safe we have saved you and everyone else's kids he goes to the general to assure himself and Margaret that he couldn't have known about the tanks the tanks were fake the German tanks in
            • 65:00 - 65:30 the camp paper mashy don't take that Toe with me Sergeant I'll call the lads before the train tell him in 1946 before they took the children I know when they took the children on we could have risen up we could have saved them I could have saved my daughter really with the good towns Wellington Wells have followed me into the machine guns or would they all have
            • 65:30 - 66:00 hidden in their basements but after the war you can't keep a secret like that sir Ollie the safest secret in the world is a secret no one wants to hear why didn't you tell me oh Ollie don't you recall you used to have such a good memory you typed all my correspondence when they requisitioned the new newspaper and the glue they needed quite a lot they have to know the
            • 66:00 - 66:30 truth sir we have to tell them the truth has too terrible a cost isn't that the decision we all made anyway I'm out here in the victory Memorial Camp you don't think I'm the one who decides these things do you who's minding the bloody store then the executive committee in City Hall why don't you drop by for a chat I'm sure they'd happily listen to the wavings of a Mad Scotsman from the Garden District they' listen to you
            • 66:30 - 67:00 sir they Tear Me Apart like starved Jackal and then they'd pop a joy well ask Miss Bing you will not she'll help me I'm calling the lads leaving the camp we learned that olly absolutely abhor Uncle Jack do you remember my meat pounder that I lent you two years ago and you lost it smashing some televisions that's quite an obsession of yours isn't it I can't stand Uncle Jack's stupid
            • 67:00 - 67:30 face damn collaborator traitor oh yeah remember him uh to refresh he's the television and radio star of Wellington Wells everybody loves him all except for olly of course he actually plays a huge role in this story so keep his lovely face in mind olly now wants to spread the news to all of Wellington Wells he knows that nobody would listen to him a drunk Scotsman from the Garden District of all places so he goes to the house of Victoria Bing Arthur's former boss and the daughter of the the general inside he tries to knock some sense into her and it goes about as well as you'd expect Ollie I didn't ask you here did I
            • 67:30 - 68:00 if you take enough jewelry sometimes one forgets the silliest things people in town are getting a tad bit skinny I think they're starving to death and they're painting in the streets in [__] rainbows have you not noticed we have to tell people they need to know the truth no Oli people do not need to know the truth
            • 68:00 - 68:30 truth is the enemy of Happiness isn't that the decision we all made oh but you know the truth don't you there's not a thing I can tell you that you don't already know is there no it's better not to know I'm truly sorry about this Miss Bing help there's a daughter in
            • 68:30 - 69:00 my now tied up Ali is forcing Victoria off of her Joy so that she can listen to what he's saying you can see how even just a few minutes without Joy completely destroys her why the [__] are you doing this you evil Downer bastard I am going to kill you I am going to kill you after a bit more time
            • 69:00 - 69:30 she starts remembering I brought some food I made them sing olly so they wouldn't be afraid but then they had to get on the train do you remember how they screamed I I remember I'll accept my daughter your daughter I Margaret because she was dead she's still very resistant in helping ol but after a bit more time she seems to come to her senses the children could stop
            • 69:30 - 70:00 screaming you have to talk to them then they settle down for a bit are you mad I we could have saved them you know the tanks were made of papy and mashi that ly Hastings tore a hole in one of them what could that possibly matter now I suppose it doesn't except that's just the first lie then comes the victory that wasn't and then the happy pills and the says because the kidss are all gone you can paint loaves of bread on the shop Windows all you like but if people
            • 70:00 - 70:30 don't wake up we're all going to starve to death we go to City Hall back entrance there's a private elevator the code is 01 26 the date of the victory I'll write you a letter of Transit it won't be enough people won't face facts not until we take their Joy that's what we have to do Ollie and when we do that they'll murder
            • 70:30 - 71:00 each other in the street let's go see the executive committee obviously it was just a trick to get away from olly he steals a letter of Transit from her house and goes to the bridge to the parade the bridge is closed so he has to go through the modeling tunnels which provide power from the parade District to the Village there's a secret entrance that leads into the parade under the uncle jack fan club o boy needless to say olly and the uncle jack fan club hate each other there's a big float in the fan club
            • 71:00 - 71:30 which he can use to escape after he spread the news grabbing the float and going through the secret tunnel we're finally in the parade Oli seals a hydrogen tank from the Department of scientific research to fill up the float and then goes to the executive committee to try and get them to tell the citizens of Willington Wells the truth about the tanks and everything else however upon entering we can see that the room is a complete mess and actually reaching the executive committee they're just three random people it's telling that the devs didn't give these people unique models like the ones who actually have power like the general Dr verlock or Victoria
            • 71:30 - 72:00 Wellington Wells is on the brink of falling apart because the people in charge of everything are stoned out of their minds on Joy all he tells them about the tanks and all and it just goes in one ear and right out the other who's in charge here you're in luck it's me today we rotate the dread responsibility do I know you so there's only one of you who doesn't take joy on a day I might add a little the tanks in the military Camp did you know they made
            • 72:00 - 72:30 a Pap of mashi oh that's terrible would you like a joy have you been getting out into the village lately people are getting a bit slim and these charts are we running out of food oh no don't look at the charts they're horrible here let me get you another Joy we've got our own booth now at a loss for what to do Oli decides that there's only one man who can get the message across uncle Jack he enters his Studio but it's all smashed up and Jack is nowhere to be seen in one of the rooms you can see how the shows
            • 72:30 - 73:00 that play throughout the village are simply reruns they can get away with this because everybody's forgetting everything anyway why try and make new shows on a table sits Jack's last show playing it Ollie learns something horrid I'm sure I had it right here you know there are times you can actually take a little too much joy and um well then you can't remember anything is can you ah yes here it
            • 73:00 - 73:30 is um Mrs Florence Gilbert of Braum Hayes is holding an exhibition of her hand knid dolls she likes to make dolls from all over the world all knitted in Wool it's his last show how' you can that the camera's smashed they couldn't have shot another you know who have like that Margaret why is he talking about you who's Margaret because I love dos what am I talking about who cares about the past well listen do drop by to the's
            • 73:30 - 74:00 Fabulous dolls at Mrs Florence Gilberts poor thing poor thing she loved dolls you know she dozens of them from all over I can assure you that there's absolutely no truth to the silly rumor that the food is running out how does he know about your dolls however it is true that there's a brand new flavor of joy Jesus you think a 12 of your daughter
            • 74:00 - 74:30 would be over dolls his daughter yes Ollie but you'd make these darling little costumes I knew it was wrong I mean she was even excited about going to Germany it was me I couldn't imagine living without her so so I HIIT
            • 74:30 - 75:00 her someone tipped them [Music] off and she ran no that's not right it was Jack what turned you in and I W try to save you no olly you turned me in I'm afraid we come to the end of our time but you were my daughter Jack Worthing Mar Worthing you're OE starky oh I couldn't have I could never have betrayed you neighbor I was your neighbor how
            • 75:00 - 75:30 could I how can I do a thing like that to a little girl dear God dear God I'm sorry maret I never meant to hurt you well it's a bit late for an apology what what can I do tell me do you hear me we've come to the end of our time the foood run out we're all going to starve to death you have to stop taking your
            • 75:30 - 76:00 joy take from Jack worthy it's me people have to know but Jack's your father stop that Jack's gone that the foods run out all have to stop that they have to stop taking the joy stop it you have to broadcast the tap right right I could do that but you won't will you all's disdain for Jack was so strong that he tipped off the Germans just because he hated Jack he got a little girl killed and the only way to cope was
            • 76:00 - 76:30 to go to Sally Bole who gave him enough drugs to nearly wipe his memory how did I get here did you go and see Sally boil I can have she's she's in the village or she came to you it doesn't matter she comes by what why does she come by do we trade what did you buy from her oh my memory's more than usually fuzzy did you take something she gave you I was I was sad wasn't I and and ashamed the killing of
            • 76:30 - 77:00 Margaret Worthing was so significant though that her memory never left Oli and he misremembered her as his own daughter olly speaks a lot about the incident in a note titled God help me we were at the darts at the king's head Tommy and Harry and I we'd had a couple of pints nothing too serious not enough for excuses later not enough to miss the dart board I don't know how many sheets to the one was Jack but I could hear him crystal clear and actor knows how to pitch his voice so it reaches the back of the hall and yet he's not yelling and there he was at the bar accusing us
            • 77:00 - 77:30 regular army Lads of bending over for the Jerry's not that Jack had ever been to battle except to Angie Court and his imagination when he played westerland and Henry V he was just homeg guard like half the town the girls had stitched uniforms together and sent the boys into the fields with some Lee Enfield from 1916 the general took one look at those Lads and knew there was going to be a Slaughter he lied about a lot of things but that bit was true there there was no fighting the Jerry's in 1943 but this this is 1947 and now he's Sayang we
            • 77:30 - 78:00 should have fought harder we all should have fought harder if only the Army hadn't surrendered like a bunch of Frenchmen why aren't we fighting back why aren't we strangling the Jerry's and the Alleyways why aren't we sabotaging their cars instead of running scrap drives for them and I say well there's 43 tanks on that Hill is why and he calls me a coward oh yes thank God for those tanks he says his gang are trying to shut him up because Tommy and Har and I have dropped the darts and are coming over with Mayhem in our eyes but he keeps at it if not for those precious
            • 78:00 - 78:30 tanks you bastards would have to do something and the worst of it is is that I know what no one else in the room knows or wants to that the tanks are newspaper and glue and if Jack knew he would have had the sense not to say it but soon we're getting into it and the Jerry's have to send in a squad of MPS to pull me off them of course they're a little nicer to me than to Jack and his gang because I work for them don't I and Jack sees it and he just Smiles at me shaking his head and all I could think of was you don't get to smirk at me you
            • 78:30 - 79:00 actor you're hiding your daughter and we're all keeping your secret and your Superior so I tell the Germans where to find her I knew I should have kept my mouth zipped but once I start talking I can't stop I never thought they'd shoot her I never thought she was in any danger at all but I knew it would hurt him more than anything sending her off and I knew he was right and I was wrong I had to wipe that smirk off his face or I couldn't stand myself may God have mercy on my soul I absolutely love this scene it is
            • 79:00 - 79:30 my favorite in the entire game seeing Jack always all smiles and sunshine Crashing Down to Earth it just does something to me you may or may not have noticed but I have a type a majority of media portrays their protagonists as stoic men surviving the unsurvivable unwavering in the face of certain death we get so used to these archetypes that when a character stays away from it it's super captivating that is something we happy few nails on the head the characters react like humans it makes them relatable because we know we'd act in the same way if you inadvertently
            • 79:30 - 80:00 killed a little kid you would be in shambles just like olly like could you imagine if he just didn't react or reacted like it didn't even matter no Ollie you turned me in don't care still don't care I don't care Oli broadcasts the tape and sets up the float on the roof he has his final moments with Margaret what do we do now we say goodbye to who I'm not really really your daughter I know that and I'm not really here but I'm a lie too we've been
            • 80:00 - 80:30 together so many years you don't think having an invisible friend is a weird bit babyish for a man who's been to war we can hide in the train station till it all blows over now that you put l on the Telly I think it's time you put away childish things you're right you're always right goodbye Margaret I really like that
            • 80:30 - 81:00 throughout her final message to olly she loses her English accent slowly fading into Scottish showing Oli coming to terms with the fact that he needs to leave her behind he delivers a speech to the citizens of Wellington Wells then pisses everywhere in defiance after that we get the epilog are you all right sir I'd forgotten just how heinous a person I am the truth is not for everyone sir you see some people find they as stronger
            • 81:00 - 81:30 than they ever supposed some people can let go of the confabulations that have comforted them some make choices that surprise even themselves the foods run out you have to stop diing your joy have to stop but perhaps these people are not you are you sure you don't wish to forget and go back I was happy before wasn't I I love this scene so
            • 81:30 - 82:00 much seeing the citizens dropping their masks again it's that subversion of what we know of the characters these people were always happy and chipper and now with reality Weighing on them they come crashing down the people that tormented you throughout the game for trying to bring yourself back to reality suddenly joining you at the bottom and experiencing what you had to experience is just great the Constable gives a choice the exact same Choice from the beginning of the game do you take the Oblivion pill forgetting everything and going back to your happy life in the
            • 82:00 - 82:30 village or continue remembering living with the knowledge that you're a horrid person but you can live a normal life choosing to forget Arthur goes back to the Village playing on a toy scooter like nothing happened all the people you killed the lives you destroyed none of it matters everything that you did was for nothing Arthur is happier in this ending but what does it matter if it's all artificial choosing to remember Arthur crosses onto the mainland where for the first time time in around 20 years he sees a kid he defaults to his usual greeting of lovely day for it
            • 82:30 - 83:00 despite how bad the weather is the kid tells him that it's a sh day and Arthur is happy because for the first time since Joy's invention he's able to tell the truth to be himself without hiding behind a mask and the game ends I was talking to a friend about this game and I told him about this ending he told me it sounded sort of lackluster I was thinking about that conversation as I was writing this script and he's right this game has no huge final cut scene where it's all high octane and exciting but it's not
            • 83:00 - 83:30 supposed to be Wellington Wells is this Oddball City where everyone is doped up on happy pills and everything's going to hell the entire point is to escape the insanity and go to a land of normaly it's strange because a lot of stories have the protagonist living normally before seeking out adventure and we Havey few flips that script by having strange people seek normality the ending probably feels lackluster to us the player because we go from this insane setting with rainbow streets and happy MK to a place that's familiar with ordinary things happening to Arthur though the rainbow streets and happy masks are normal and our version of normal is strange almost alien to him
            • 83:30 - 84:00 you can really appreciate this ending a lot more if you look at it through Arthur's eyes all of this game's endings are amazing Arthur Sally's and dollies they're all just brilliant writing but there is an odd one out Sally's her ending is almost shockingly happy we happy fuse whole shtick is playing his moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial yet nothing in Sally's story portrays her as terrible at all the one thing that could portray Sally in a negative light is that she well fornicated with Arthur's Dad this is a
            • 84:00 - 84:30 bad thing sure but in Sally's mind she had no choice he took her into his home when her mother died and who knows if she didn't he might have kicked her out we don't know very much about Arthur's dad or what kind of person he was so it's entirely plausible she touches on this a bit more in a note titled Arthur I ran into Arthur on the street he's exactly the same I guess cuz he always was a little formal with those big black glasses and keeping his jacket on after school on the hot days only now he's grown into himself and he looks amazing
            • 84:30 - 85:00 I can't remember what I said I insulted him apparently it's always so easy I thought he chopped my head off what was I supposed to tell his dad no you're practically my stepfather that would have gone over bro Arthur and oli's stories were about learning the truth of how horrible they'd been coming to terms with things reconciling with themselves and moving on Sally's story was about learning the truth of how she wasn't as horrible as people made her think coming to realize how she was the best mother that she could be and moving on her ending is the weakest not really having any twists
            • 85:00 - 85:30 like Arthur's or oli's but I appreciate it for what it is it's a neat little shakeup from the terrible protagonist of the other acts Arthur is easily the worst character and I don't mean that he's poorly written I mean that he's the worst person of the three he has nearly no redeemable traits he's the only character who never really grew as a human being probably because of his consistent Joy use blocking any growth he could have achieved all these motivations throughout his story was to bring the truth to light to the citizens of the island to get them out of their delusion and ultimately save them from
            • 85:30 - 86:00 their inevitable fate of starving to death Sally's motivation was to make a safe happy healthy life for her baby and when she realized it was completely impossible her goal immediately changed to escaping for her baby's sake Arthur's motivation was to escape for his own sake he's always been selfish it's ironic Arthur used Percy as a motivator to escape Wellington Wells and he knew from the start that it would never be possible to find him exactly how he used Percy to avoid going to Germany where he knew from the start he'd never go with him in a Twisted way Percy is still a tool for Arthur to use to his Advantage
            • 86:00 - 86:30 he never changed in the nearly 20 years that pass since he abandoned his brother the motivation for every character relies on someone else all except for Arthur all he did it for the people Sally did it for her baby and Arthur did it for himself after beating the game you can look into the extras menu to see all the memories and Uncle Jack shows you collected throughout your adventure I actually really like the uncle jack shows especially the segment called I hear you where the citizens of witon Wells send him letters there are actually some neat little facts that you can find by watching these like that Joy causes capg grass syndrome where you
            • 86:30 - 87:00 believe that an identical duplicate has replaced someone that you know dear Jack there's a stranger in my house who looks just like my wife and she says she's my wife too what has been done with my real wife and who did this to me your help is much appreciated in this matter there are also arcade modes survival and sandbox but my favorite is the night watch where you play is a constable and beat the out of Downers you have to manage your money between buying weapons and blackberry Joy also in this mode we can see a bit
            • 87:00 - 87:30 of how Blackberry affects the user with the conable believing he's only subduing the downers when he's really just killing them what with do any subduing them we happy few story is truly phenomenal I fell in love with it the second I played it the characters are all well written and memorable the reveals and twists were brilliantly executed so why is it such a chy to play why is it that sometimes I had to force myself to boot the game up again we have a few focuses on story more than actual
            • 87:30 - 88:00 gameplay and that is blatantly obvious the story is just beautiful really no other word to describe it but the gameplay is just plain boring I can't remember a single moment of actual gameplay all I can remember about the game is the cutcenes because there's nothing to the game playay we happy few is a procedurally generated open world this allows for more replayability with encounters happening in different places Wellington Wells is a huge place like just massive so when you have this giant open world with encounters that spawn in it in random places there could be a
            • 88:00 - 88:30 huge space that you need to travel to go from A to B and most of this game consists of cut scene move from A to B cut scene move from B to C cut scene over and over there's not much there in terms of actual gameplay and it's not just the main story there are side missions that you can find scattered throughout the world but again those just consist of the same cut scene A to B cutscene formula it's just boring and tiresome there is a fast travel system through the hatches connected by rail tunnels under the city and it helps a lot but the gameplay just goes from run
            • 88:30 - 89:00 from A to B to run from the hatch to point B put it simply this game is a running simulator literally like 90% of the game is just holding Sprint and forward and I don't mean to say that the world isn't memorable because it most certainly is this game is gorgeous all of the different types of environments and everything I just mean that actually sitting down and playing the game you never really think oh that was fun to do because you're literally just running the running simulator critique stems mainly from the fact that we happy few
            • 89:00 - 89:30 has a linear story in an open world for example in act one you can never meet Sally before meeting Olli you can't enter Hayworth Labs until you meet Sally who asks you to go there when you have a huge world with very specific points where encounter spawn and those points can be anywhere on any given playthrough and those points could be hundreds of miles apart and there's no movement mechanics other than running and jumping it's really painful to play this game also includes survival elements like hunger and thirst but these aren't necessary at all what the
            • 89:30 - 90:00 hell oh my God you can go the entire game without eating drinking or sleeping and be completely fine not eating and drinking gives you small debuffs and once you eat or drink you get small Buffs you won't starve or dehydrate to death it's just mildly inconvenient I wish there was at least an option to make these necessary to add a little bit of substance to the game for the people that want it I also think Joy could have been implemented better Joy is supposed to make people see things as nicer versions of themselves like how in the beginning the dead rat was a pinata that never happens again for the rest of the
            • 90:00 - 90:30 game why that's like one of the coolest aspects of joy and it never happens outside of one section I get that it would be a pain if not impossible to code something like that for every single part of the game but why not add some missions where that's the core idea there's a really cool piece of promotional material for the game a music video for the song La La La it features the band singing the song as normal when suddenly the basis Joy starts wearing off the music storts until we hear what's actually happening just random
            • 90:30 - 91:00 humming we can see that the base was just a potted plant the drums were just hot dogs slapping against the plate of mystery goop and the keyboard was just an old typewriter like that's so cool why would you not Implement that instead what we get in game is just a filter wash it just makes everything prettier once the joy meter Runs Out [__] you enter withdrawal it makes the joy taker suspicious of you because you look sad that's it a conable towards the beginning of act one tells you that look sir you can fix that door but then W
            • 91:00 - 91:30 still ain't going to take that Joy it makes them see eyes everywhere why you bring this up at all if you weren't going to implement it maybe they wanted to but couldn't get it to work I don't know it would have made withdrawal so much more interesting but it just ends up with you hiding until it ends also in the launch trailer Arthur pretends to pop a joy but spits it out once the lady is out of sight I think it would have been cool if they had a feature where you could like take a fake Joy pill or something it could take suspicion off of you and have none of the effects of Joy it would probably be super rare or expensive since something like that
            • 91:30 - 92:00 would be really illegal so you really have to think about when to use it one last thing with joy there was a piece of promotional material for the game which was a commercial for Joy at the end it had a link which took you to this page which just takes you back to the gamees website when I first saw this I thought it was like a piece of merchandise like it would be so cool to have a bottle of Joy even if it was empty hell I would have bought it I mean I don't know the legality of selling fake pill bottles but it would have been really cool there is some cool merchandise for this game too the we heavy few Time Capsule has a replica conable mask stickers posters a
            • 92:00 - 92:30 cool little lamp and a vinyl record of the soundtrack I really really want this the enemies also feel a bit syy they're only like four types of enemies the plague victims the normal people the constables and the doctors the only ones that are different are the plague victims who have the chance of giving you the plague when they hit you when the doctors are introduced they say doctors are here to help you if you've forgotten your joy doctors will smell it right away and they'll give you a quick injection to make your day a lovely one
            • 92:30 - 93:00 I actually would have preferred if they tried to fill you with joy it would have been a unique obstacle instead of another guy trying to kill you also combat is pretty boring there are three main actions attacking blocking and shoving shoving an enemy will stagger them for a moment doing so twice will knock them over making them extremely vulnerable to attacks attacking and blocking do exactly what you think they do fighting people usually boils down to clicking on them until until they die sometimes you'll have to block or sometimes they'll block you but it's really just quite basic almost all encounters play out exactly the same
            • 93:00 - 93:30 when you get into a fight with multiple people though it's probably best to flee the scene and hide in a garbage bin or something some enemies are stronger than others as indicated by bars around the aggression indicator thing zero means they're pretty easy literally a stay cough would knock them over all the way to three meaning they're tough usually equipped with heavy hitting weapons weapons also add some variation there's two main aspects to them strength and speed for example a stick will swing pretty quick but isn't very significant damage-wise while a shovel will have a significantly slower swing speed but hit
            • 93:30 - 94:00 much harder weapons can also have other effects like bleed on hit or electrocution but honestly none of that really matters because going with the weapon that deals the highest damage always works out enemies will never do anything surprising they'll just stand there and let you hit them or block when you try to hit them you fight one you fought them all really in act two it said that Sally isn't great at hand-to-hand combat and that she relies on her chemicals I have literally countless playthroughs under my belt and never once have I used a single chemical the crafting recipes for the chemicals that are offered right from the start are so outlandish like you would have to
            • 94:00 - 94:30 go out of your way to look for them I'm sure if you do some side quests you could get them no problem but just running through the story I've never been able to craft them also Sally's baby is a primary aspect of her gameplay if you neglect it you get these things called totems of Parental neglect I'm a collector myself look at all those neglect they take up inventory space and the only way to get rid of them is to go back home and take care of her it's not not too bad but it can be a bit irritating to have to drop everything just to feed your stupid kid and then in act three Ollie has his own unique aspect of gameplay diabetes it's not too
            • 94:30 - 95:00 big of an issue due to how short Oli story is but basically you can't let it get too low or it'll start insulting people and you can't let it get too high or it'll start dying Ollie also can't tolerate Joy throwing up anytime he takes it okay last thing so I recorded all the gameplay on my PC but I like this game so much I bought a copy for PS4 the performance is terrible consistent low frames constant frame drops super long loading times it's super unoptimized and just emphasizes
            • 95:00 - 95:30 how bad the gameplay is like you'll get to play for a bit and then hit a loading zone and just get sad knowing you wait 5 minutes just to keep running in a straight line once you get back also this is the only game I've ever played on my PS4 that crashes so to sum up my thoughts so far super cool and unique story I adore the characters and all that the endings were masterful seeing how distraught the characters are over their actions is truly astounding the actors really sell the show the gameplay is just plain boring though which drags down the experience a ton there's a ton of unused or underutilized concepts and
            • 95:30 - 96:00 mechanics and the game really would have benefited from just a bit more tweaking with some of them I believe that the gameplay mainly suffers from the open procedurally generated World it does allow for some replayability but who would want to replay the game when you're just running in a straight line pretty much all the time and not to mention that this game is long like 20 1/2 hourss for the main story and 66 and 1/2 hours for 100% completion according to how long de beat.com so how would we happy few have fared if it were shorter and more linear where the gameplay gimmicks were the Forefront of the campaign with the story still being as
            • 96:00 - 96:30 clever and unique as ever well my friends our answer lies in the three DLCs released for the game the maps of the DLCs are set they're the same on every playthrough so you don't need to worry about having to run for 15 minutes between objectives this eliminates the linear story in an open world critique by having a linear story in a linear world and you can really feel it in the DLCs as they each have their own Unique Mechanics that really shine when they're not bogged down by the open world I won't talk about the DLCs as I did with the base game I'll just comb through them the first DLC was They Came From
            • 96:30 - 97:00 Below starring James and Roger two gay guys who were trying to Stave off an alien robot Invasion so uh you can probably tell this is really out there but in a good way it's really sci-fi which doesn't really fit in with the we happy world but it is just a one-off so it's all right in the DLC you're equipped with a ray gun making this the first and only ranged weapon in the game throughout the game you learn that the alien robots can think and feel in love just like people [Music]
            • 97:00 - 97:30 do what is that sound who cares kill it before it sees you oh my God he's tearing one of the thing's heads off it keeps repeating one word sorrow that's the word it's saying to break it to you robots don't feel sorrow [Music] mate I think it's some kind
            • 97:30 - 98:00 of sad song No r no that doesn't make any sense they are robots out of control homicidal robots they're killing people my God they think and feel and I've killed so many of them ptif philosophy in matter don't care Dr Faraday James and
            • 98:00 - 98:30 Rogers boss has been torturing and dismantling them to make farming supplies so that Wellington Wells doesn't starve a righteous act on paper but knowing that these robots are essentially people makes it horrendous you play as Roger who believes it's up to him to free the robots from their torment however James his boyfriend doesn't feel the same way causing a divide in their relationship you really have a very great contempt for me don't you James no puppy I you think all my theories are bollocks not all of them you can't imagine things different from the way
            • 98:30 - 99:00 you think they are what the hell does that mean you think it's safer to be terrified of everything strange and you think I'm a child for even trying to embrace it but sometimes there's a bigger price for being a Coward sorry I didn't mean that I go [__] yourself Roger hi I left everything for you in the end they team up to defeat Dr Faraday and go into a portal to join the robots in their own world I do love you
            • 99:00 - 99:30 James I do love you [Music] Roger it's a fun cute little DLC the second is lightbearer starring well Nick lightbearer yeah baby he's the lead singer of the make believes he's your typical rock star you know drinking doing drugs you know the works your main weapon is Nick's guitar which functions completely differently to any other weapon you can't block attacks instead
            • 99:30 - 100:00 opting to Parry them by strumming your guitar at the right time then you play some jams into their face until they die a joy also has a unique function here instead of the base game where it was an inherent evil thing that you are meant to avoid here it's your main source of healing this DLC story is super unique and runs deeper than how it seems on the surface Nick is dead in a side quest in Act One Sympathy for the lightbearer you can watch Nick electrocute himself to death accidentally I used to be bottled power man oh God the power cell I'm not going to drink it I learned that
            • 100:00 - 100:30 lesson this DLC takes place in purgatory as represented by the hotel that he's staying out throughout the DLC Nick questions and challenges his morals Because he believes that he kills people when he blacks out after doing drugs at the end Nick vows to never touch drugs or alcohol again my drugs made me a monster or maybe I really am a monster no more party favors ever C CL head Nick clear
            • 100:30 - 101:00 head and plays the best song in the [Music] game he pledges to his fans that'll be a changed man from now on ascending into the sky his soul free to move on the third and best DLC ties directly into the main story We All Fall Down Stars Victoria Bing and takes place immediately after escaping olly in act three on her way to find a joy Booth she
            • 101:00 - 101:30 sees the true state of Wellington Wells people eating charcoal the plague ravaging the streets the corruption of the constabulary with a conable threatening a lady over some food did I hear you had a spot of meat Des Spar in mustn't ho food Mrs M wouldn't want people thinking you're a down in it and a man chatting with a corpse what Ollie was trying to get through to her is finally registered in her head Wellington Wells is on his last leg and
            • 101:30 - 102:00 now realizing this she refuses to take her Joy um Miss ping there isn't anybody in there what are we doing you can utilize a facility what are we doing here taking our joy I hope good Lord M you um you might want to take a lot eh wouldn't want to mistake you for a town I I I can't take my joy I have to Sweet Jesus keep a clear head you are you've
            • 102:00 - 102:30 got Downer you best come with me Mom fish p is a downer Downer down she's a downer Victoria's combat is amazing she's equipped with a whip and later an electric dart gun you can upgrade your weapons by using Contraptions scattered throughout the world and it allows for a much more enjoyable and nuance combat experience for example I got upgrades that let you pick up the electricity from one enemy with your whip and transfer it to another it's incredibly
            • 102:30 - 103:00 fun and fluid you can also use the whip to get to Out Of Reach areas which feels super fun it kind of reminds me of a more limited version of marble Spider-Man for the PS4 the DLC has Victoria trying to rid the island of Joy entirely first she destroys the pill allocator which makes the pills stop appearing in Joy booths and then moves onto the water supply well Wellington Wells is saved let's see how everyone's taking it pretty well I'd say Obviously with such severe consequences it won't take long for the situation to be fixed so she
            • 103:00 - 103:30 goes to Hayworth Labs with dynamite and blows it up which would stop Joy production for good while this is happening Oli is playing Jack last show and we get to see more of the Carnage that comes with ridding the town of Joy more fires H constables more dead people happy mun about and Dead Doctors oh look is Miss Bing lovely day for it Miss Bing we know what you did I did what had to be done what gives you the right what gives you the right you were all going to starve
            • 103:30 - 104:00 to death my brother did die the bobbi's hit him a little too hard hot told us everything was fine you told us to pretend it was we all wanted to pretend don't you remember we're all leaving there's nothing left here you can go wherever you like just not with us we get one more view of the city before the credits roll the gameplay in this DLC
            • 104:00 - 104:30 was a blast the combat was phenomenal and making huge jumps with the whip felt amazing especially in harworth Labs which is much more vertical making great use of the whip PES I can't say anything negative about the gameplay of these DLCs with how short and linear they are everything felt like it was utilized well nothing felt ignore or underused and it's really refreshing to visit these after playing the base game I feel like if the main game had this type of gameplay where it was enjoyable and memorable to actually play and the
            • 104:30 - 105:00 combat was a bit more engaging the game could have been top tier greatest of all time material but what we got was a game that was to some people a complete let down a game that Drew people in with good visuals and story but no actual substance to speak of gameplay-wise we Havey you on YouTube is a sea of Unfinished playthroughs not even getting past act one because the game play just isn't it the story is almost unmatched being super interesting but with nothing there in terms of gameplay it was easy to just deem it not worth it to continue playing we happy few is an experience that you have to fight through but if
            • 105:00 - 105:30 you can stick it out to the end it is a truly amazing experience that you'll find is hard to forget I guess what I'm trying to say is that we happy Fe is an amazing story weighed down by a bad game he said it he said it have you forgotten your joy Co snug snug is a buug on a drug Hy that's ol olly oh my God Arty little Arty yeah for [__] sake Sally you look fantastic
            • 105:30 - 106:00 I've missed you for 14 years I think I can to escape Wellington Wells without your help and I definitely don't want any favors from your latest friend where is it where's the Blackberry You're a Rat you have to be a rat we shall be compelled to provide your assistance to Dr verlock and that won't be cheery for either of us you're planning to lobotomize the people of Wellington Wells aren't you I don't care if the General's protecting you you've gone too far this time Sally's got a baby where
            • 106:00 - 106:30 the [__] am I getting get cod liver oil I got it your precious cod liver oil oh you're a lifesaver why won't you just give me the [__] letter of Transit it's always what you want always what you need every little Sally whim I've got a baby it's just self-preservation Sally no hard feelings the tanks were fake the German tanks in the
            • 106:30 - 107:00 camp
            • 107:00 - 107:30 e
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            • 108:30 - 109:00 e e
            We Happy Few: An Amazing Story Weighed Down By A Bad Game YouTube Summary - OpenTools (2025)


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            Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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            Views: 5297

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            Author information

            Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

            Birthday: 1999-05-27

            Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

            Phone: +2585395768220

            Job: Lead Liaison

            Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

            Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.